Παράταση Πρόσκλησης Εκδήλωσης Ενδιαφέροντος ΠΜΣ «Ψηφιακές Υπηρεσίες Υγείας και Αναλυτική», (Digital Health and Analytics) 2024 -2025

για την εισαγωγή μεταπτυχιακών φοιτητών για το ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2024-2025, οι υποψήφιοι μπορούν να υποβάλουν την αίτηση τους ηλεκτρονικά έως 20.09.2024 on the website: https://application.hua.gr/.

  • The total number of positions is forty (40).
  • The tuition fees eur 4.500 for the duration of the IPPS (3 semesters).
  • For any additional information please contact the secretariat of the IPPS

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Field of Study

The field of study for the IPPS "Digital Health and Analytics" is the further scientific expertise for young scientists in the disciplines of the Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University, Department of Digital Systems and the Department of Computer science. The lifelong education of scientists who are already employed in companies and organizations in the public or private sector, and preparation for postgraduate studies at doctoral level in the disciplines of IPPS.

Part of the IPPS may be carried out remotely, by the relevant provisions

The graduates of the IPPS may be deployed in services and organizations in the public and private sectors, as well as research and education on matters related to the development, implementation and management applications of health informatics and analytical data

The duration of each cycle of study is three (3) academic semesters, which includes time for preparation of the diploma thesis


I.P.P.S aims:

the promotion of scientific knowledge and research for the development and management of digital health applications, and analytics. In this context, the graduates of the IPPS may be deployed in services and organizations in the public and private sectors, as well as research and education on matters related to the development, implementation and management of health informatics applications and analytical data.

The IPPS is addressed to:

  • graduates faculty of informatics who want to specialize in the areas of services and analysis of health data,
  • in graduates faculty of health sciences who want to gain knowledge related to technologies and applications, data analysis,
  • in professionals in the field of health who want to improve the procedures for the provision of services to their bodies,
  • in professionals in the field of information technology who want to gain in-depth understanding of the processes and technologies for the representation and analysis of health data, as well as
  • graduates who are interested in getting involved with the research in the field of the analysis of health data

IPPS is staffed by highly skilled academic staff, and offers a direct connection to the labour market through 

  • the Digital Innovation Hub Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Industry Transformation through Artificial Intelligence Digital Services, https://ied.eu/about/health-hub/ ),
  • the Capabilities' Centre PYTHIA to support innovation in the field of integration of heterogeneous medical data of a large volume, and artificial intelligence with the aim of digital transformation in health, as well as,
  • international and national research projects carried out in the Harokopio University of Athens
    , the Ionian University and the University of Piraeus
  • the cooperation of the bodies of the IPPS with leading private companies in its fields
Activities & Collaborations

Graduates of the IPPS will be able to fill roles that are associated with the data analysis in companies and organizations related to health, such as:

  • Healthcare data scientist,
  • Clinical informatics analyst,
  • EHR information analyst,
  • Health decision support analyst,
  • Real world evidence expert,
  • Clinical research platform analyst and quality assurance expert
  • Healthcare applications developer